GoBrunch Review – AppSumo Lifetime Deal

Keeping your virtual audience engaged can be a challenge. Enter GoBrunch—an innovative webinar platform that transforms online sessions into interactive and immersive experiences. With features designed to make virtual meetings fun and engaging, GoBrunch ensures your attendees stay focused and involved.

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What is GoBrunch?

GoBrunch is a webinar and virtual event platform that brings the feel of in-person events into the digital realm, enhancing participant interaction and engagement without requiring any software installation.

Key Features:

  • GDPR-compliant
  • Customizable virtual spaces
  • Full moderation controls
  • Screen sharing with sound
  • Video content playback
  • Detailed session reports
  • Breakout rooms

Hurry – this deal won’t last long! Limited Offer: Click Here to Access the GoBrunch Lifetime Deal on AppSumo!



=== Act now to secure this deal before it’s too late!===

My Own Review:

I chose GoBrunch for its unique features and the lifetime deal offered by AppSumo. Its interactive virtual spaces and full control over sessions made it an ideal choice for my needs. Compared to alternatives like Zoom and ON24, which do not offer lifetime deals, GoBrunch stood out for its comprehensive features and affordable price. I found the $79 for Plan One worth every penny, as it provided a cost-effective solution without recurring fees. The ability to customize virtual rooms and control every aspect of the session was particularly useful for my webinars. The investment in GoBrunch has paid off, making my online sessions more engaging and productive.

Here’s why I chose GoBrunch over alternatives like ON24 and Zoom:

  • ENGAGEMENT: Unlike Zoom, GoBrunch’s unique interactive features, like the ability to choose seating and interactive hand-raising, make participants feel truly part of the event.
  • COST-EFFECTIVENESS: ON24 and Zoom are great, but they come with monthly fees and no lifetime deals. I used to regret missing out on lifetime deals; now, I grab them before they’re gone.

Every feature of GoBrunch has proven useful:

  • The MULTIPLE VIRTUAL ROOMS capability allows for varied session types within the same event, enhancing attendee experience.
  • RECORDING FEATURES are great for post-event content sharing.
  • The simplicity of NO INSTALLATIONS means higher attendance rates.

Spending “$79” on Plan One was a no-brainer because it gives me all these features without ongoing costs. After buying the AppSumo lifetime deal just to try it, I knew within days that it was worth much more.

Note that: My reviews are curated based on extensive user review analysis. Having used AppSumo products for over three years, I only review products rated 4.5 or higher. If it’s on Hooglow.com, it’s a quality product. I always utilize the refund option but continue to find useful products. I regularly check AppSumo emails for new deals and missed opportunities. Ethical reviews are crucial as I earn commissions from affiliate links.

Oh wait! There’s MORE…..

Get Extra 10% OFF GoBrunch Lifetime Deal – Appsumo

As if “Lifetime Deal” was not enough to make us happy! So THEY decided to give 10% more OFF!

But, ONLY if you’re a first timer in APPSUMO!

10% off AppSumo

If you want to get an extra 10% OFF GoBrunch Lifetime Deal on Appsumo, follow the instructions below. 

Deal Terms

  • Lifetime access to GoBrunch
  • All future Prime Chef Plan updates
  • No codes, no stacking—choose the plan that’s right for you
  • Activate your license within 60 days of purchase
  • GDPR compliant


  • License Tier 1: $79
    • 200 participants per live webinar
    • 40 GB video storage
    • 8 organizers per session
    • 2 GB storage for presentations and documents
    • 15 breakout rooms per event
    • 5 presenter cams
  • License Tier 2: $169
    • 400 participants per live webinar
    • 80 GB video storage
    • 16 organizers per session
    • 5 GB storage for presentations and documents
    • 35 breakout rooms per event
    • 10 presenter cams
    • 35 sub-accounts
    • 1 custom subdomain
    • Attendance report
  • License Tier 3: $239
    • 600 participants per live webinar
    • 120 GB video storage
    • Unlimited organizers per session
    • 10 GB storage for presentations and documents
    • 50 breakout rooms per event
    • 10 presenter cams
    • 50 sub-accounts
    • 7 custom subdomains
    • Attendance report

Final Words

GoBrunch is a must-have tool for anyone looking to enhance their virtual meetings. Its engaging features and affordable lifetime deal make it a standout choice. Don’t miss this opportunity—AppSumo deals like this don’t last forever, and I’ve regretted not purchasing similar deals in the past. Secure your GoBrunch lifetime deal today and transform your online sessions!

Get the deal now before it’s too late!